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how to make money with warriorplus

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how to make money with warriorplus

how to make money with warriorplus

Hey guys, today I’m going to show you the step-by-step process I use to earn almost $600 in one day using the warrior plus network. For those of you who are unaware, warrior plus is essentially our clickbank substitute.
com. The difference between warrior players and Clickbank right now is that certain of the items and the way that you must market them truly require approval. By demonstrating that you have already generated sales using the warrior plus on platform, you may occasionally do that.
There are many goods you can add to your Plus account without having to get pre-approval, but some of the better ones require it. Because we’re doing a genuine, step-by-step breakdown, some of the things you see me do will be things that you don’t have to get pre-approval for.
I’ll put a text like this on the screen to let you know that this is something you don’t necessarily have to do when setting it up yourself. I’ll also explain why I decided to do it in more depth for you.
We are now at my warrior Plus dashboard, so let’s get started. We’ll move on to two affiliate offerings right now. Now since we’re discussing affiliate offers, I’m going to give you a rundown of some of the essential criteria I used to consider when I was advertising Warrior for the first time.
+ uh product, so I really didn’t want anything that was overly competitive or that had been available for a few months or something like. Being relatively new would boost my chances of earning a sale because it would suggest that fewer people are actually aware of it.
The release date, the sales, and the conversion rate were the three factors I considered when I started to seek for affiliate products. Now, as you can see, all of these are from sellers who make up between 1% and 5% of this market.
It follows that it is irrelevant when they were released. As you can see from the figures here and there, they were going to be over potato. In June, some of them were made available. Because they were distributed by 1% and 5% of vendors, even if some of them were released in Maine, these items are still extremely competitive.
I therefore wished to steer clear of that at this time. I truly felt to it down to do that. I went to launch product – I mean launch date, so after filtering down for a launch date, you know you still have these three and they’re still really competitive, and I’m thinking that’s because these are future or featured products. I didn’t want to be in a crowd of, however, plus thousands of other affiliates promoting the same thing or something like that, so I came down and I started looking at 10% vendors right, and so these are People who are 10% of the vendors.

There aren’t many people marketing it, and the conversion rate is only about one percent, but here is. The real kicker is how low the visitor value is. I am thus thinking. In other words, for every two dollars spent, they bring new visitors to the sales page or the landing page.
They earned an average of $21, so that would be a product to search for. However, after I discovered the product I wished to advertise and after being seen by Chris and receiving approval, I came over to be honest and said, “This is a component that you don’t know about.”
T must complete this. You are free to ignore this section entirely, however I made sure to include my link inside the UM. I placed my leap just here, inside my thank-you note, inside my ritual. After creating a thank you page, I created a landing page.
You can see that this is the landing age that I’m referring to. I used solo advertising, which prevent you from linking directly to the sales page since they want to ensure that you have these people inside of your emails. As a result, before I launched my landing page, I performed two things that you wouldn’t typically do.

T necessarily have to do, and one of them—the social proof I added—can be seen right down here in the left-hand corner. You don’t need to include this, so don’t do it. However, I like to include this social proof when doing this because it actually raises the likelihood that more individuals will choose to sign up.
In fact, despite the fact that it doesn’t seem like much and that you are only getting about a hundred opt-ins without social proof, my opt-in rate has increased from around 30% without the social proof to approximately 835 to perhaps a 37%.
Regularly – and when you include social proof, you reach about 130–135 presently. I only prefer to utilize this with limited-time offers because it raises the likelihood that people will sign up for more information and increases the likelihood that you’ll actually convert their data.
Now. The second thing I did when I created this landing page was add Facebook Pizza because I knew I would want to run Facebook Ads after I ran solo ads, so I used the solo ads to sort of narrow down the demographics I was going to remarket to. To be honest, I did make an extra $50 doing something slightly different because I assumed that not many people would actually want to opt in on this.
I used an exit to help them go since I wanted to get them out of there. The popup you can see in this one is for a free copy of dot-com secrets, and all they had to do to acquire Saint McConnell secrets was to click this button right here. I did this on both of my landing pages.
Therefore, even now, if they came here and attempted to leave, it will appear once more. Once it is on the first page or something like, I suppose it stops appearing, but yeah, and so oh there. It is right there, so the next thing I did was go to a website called udemy, oops. I came over to this website in order to obtain my initial sales and traffic, and I bought a course there.
com and I purchased some solo advertisements from Mr. Pace. Mr. Pace is my go-to provider since he consistently follows up with the folks he works with and consistently delivers more than expected. This is where you can see.
My latest transaction was actually fulfilled by him, and he overdelivered by around 15%, so that’s. 230 Clint’s when I only purchased 200 clicks. If you wish to use solo advertising, I’ve included a link in the description below that will let you to receive, I believe, a five-dollar discount on your first purchase of solo ads. Within 24 hours of launching my new campaign, I basically made 600 dollars in one day by setting up an email campaign and letting it run. This was mostly due to Mr.

once more, if you guys want to utilize so as, I’ll give a link in the explanation down below. Be sure to watch the video next week when we discuss affiliate marketing and expanding your company via social media.

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