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Viraltrend Review How To Make Money Online With ViralTrend 2022 Ultimate Guide

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 Viraltrend Review How To Make Money Online With Viral Trend 2022 Ultimate Guide

Viraltrend Review How To Make Money Online With Viral Trend 2022 Ultimate Guide

For all of my readers, but especially for internet investors and advertising, there is a greater opportunity here. You’ll adore Viraltrend, I wager. Both new and seasoned members are encouraged to read this viraltrend evaluation.
We are all aware that making money in Nigeria is difficult, and thousands of online enterprises that we have started have failed. It has been a while since I updated my site with the newest and most reliable online income opportunities.
I’m totally recovered now with a better source, but please note that this is not a platform for getting rich quick. You’re here to work online, and when you’re done, your bank will see a smile on your face.
I formally introduce to you the source of my payments, which have continued from 2022 until the present day without incident or scam.

What is Viraltrend and How did it work?

A social media marketing platform called Viraltrend will pay you every day to use your social media accounts as you normally would. You participate in like, commenting, posting, and subscribing to YouTube channels.
You can monetize your online time and generate daily cash with the aid of our earning platform. Here is the urgent 2k. Additionally, viral trends assist brands in promoting their companies to their millions of clients and investors.

How Does Viraltrend Works?

You get paid by a viral trend to perform the following social media duties; A. Engaging with our advertisers or clients on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Currently, we pay N10 for each follower. wow!!!
  • We pay you to like photos of our clients, like in photo competitions, like Page content, and like on Facebook and Twitter.
  • We reward you for following the YouTube channels of our clients or advertising and for like and watching videos.
  • We provide you money to watch brief videos on all social media platforms.
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The Basic Plan
The basic plan cost #500 and the main benefit of this plan is your referral. You get a referral commission of 30% for all the people that join viraltrend directly through your referral link and 5% for all your indirect referrals. That is people who join using the referral link of the person you refered.
The Premium Plan
This plan costs #2500. Unlike the basic plan, the premium users have a wider range of benefits.
Firstly you get a referral commission of 50 % for your direct referrals and 10% for your indirect referrals.
If you choose to login as a promoter, there are two levels of membership you can subscribe to on Viran trend, basic plan which costs #500, and Premium plan that costs #2500.
Membership Plan
When signing up on viraltrend dashboard, there are two account options to choose from. The promoter account and the Advertiser account.
They offer advertisers the opportunity to create adverts on social media tasks like likes, video views, follows, on all the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter (For those that use VPN to update their Twitter account)
Promoters who decide to use viraltrend get paid for each social media task they perform while the publishers earn from the number of adverts they publish and showcase on their websites.
Additionally, Viral trend has a website called where you can easily sign up to receive your tasks easily.
They believe that having good awareness generates sales and increases their income which is what every business wants. This is why they give you a chance to build massive Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter followers, optimize your business page, and increase Youtube Views and subscribers through their platform.
You can also skip the linking and continue from your profile when you are done with your registration.
Click next, choose a plan: basic is N500 and Premium is N2500 and pay. Get approved You are good to go.
You can now see social media tasks on your dashboard immediately, perform tasks and start earning.
Note while performing tasks, always choose browser preferably Mozilla Firefox to complete and don’t close tab as VIRALTREND website will take you to the task, you perform it and within 20-40 seconds brings your back by itself to your dashboard and pay you immediately…
Other Benefits: Apart from making money from social media tasks, referring has much more money. This is easy as registration fee is all affordable.

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