
E-commerce Blogging: Run a Successful E-commerce Blog by Doing This

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Why E-commerce Blogging Isn’t Working For You
“Sir, I’ve been blogging about my e-commerce store, but it’s not working. What should I do?”
Almost every week, I hear a version of the complaints above.
People are trying hard to get traffic to their e-commerce store instead of running ads to their site. Yet for some reason, their efforts aren’t being successful.
When done right, e-commerce blogging can send targeted traffic to your store. I’m talking of people who have already made up their minds to buy… and are just looking for the right store to buy from.
By engaging in strategic e-commerce blogging, you position yourself in the buying process at the right time when people are willing to spend money.
And I’m going to share some suggestions that would help you on your journey.
Fact is… E-commerce blogging is technically different from quite informational blogging…and there are specific ways to blog for an e-commerce store.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling facial cream, leather shoes, or fried cookies.
When you follow the right method, you’re bound to get results.
But before you proceed, the first thing to ask yourself is this:
Are Your Products Instant Purchase, or They Need Days or Weeks of Thinking It Over?
You see, many people are confusing the work of a blog when used for e-commerce.
Put simply, the work of a blog Is to get free traffic for you. That’s all!
However, when that traffic shows up, it’s now your duty to convert them into sales.
If your product is something that is usually purchased instantly, then you can send the traffic from a specific blog post straight to the product page for the visitor to complete the purchase.
But if it’s a product that’s not usually purchased instantly, but need days or weeks of thinking over, then you’re best served to send the traffic from your blog to an opt-in page where you get the chance to capture their email and nurture them over time about the product before pitching it to the visitor.
If your product usually requires weeks of thinking over, you’re best served to blog about informational keywords that are relevant at the top of your sales funnel..while using email to lead them from the top of the funnel to the bottom.
If your product can be purchased instantly, you’re best served to blog about transactional keywords that can be found at the bottom of the funnel.
This is how to make blogging work for your e-commerce store.
There are obviously some nuances to all these.
But technically speaking, this is the overview of what is required to successfully use blogging to initiate e-commerce transactions.

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