
poultry farming in nigeria

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poultry farming in nigeria

poultry farming in Nigeria

Start a poultry Farming in Nigeria we be a hard things but if you have an idea of it before then it we be easy for you.

Does poultry farming in nigeria profitable?

Yes it is but it depends on the type of farming industry you intend to build and the kind of goals,chick and more , adding egg production to your farming industry can be more profitable, because nowadays egg are so expensive imagine getting your self starting this business with little amount you can afford them you are a big man.

poultry farming in nigeria

How to take good care of your farming industry?

You will need a proper care on your farming business because those animals your are rearing on usually dye because of cold and some disease,you will need to take good care of place they stay and by them so many medicine to use on them you can’t just stand up one day and you decide to start farming business without preparing it can’t work that way.

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You need to visit some people that have been into this farming business so that they can give you proper examine if my explanation here do not help in anyway.

Keeping your poultry farming work always worm

List of the Advantages of Poultry Farming

1.Poultry farming isn’t limited to chickens.

Although over 5 billion chickens are farmed each year in the United States for food in the form of eggs and meat, poultry farming is not the only option accessible to you. You can grow a number of birds for a range of items, including turkeys, geese, and ducks. Some farmers even look after their chickens since they utilize their feathers as a filling ingredient.

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If you don’t want to butcher chickens, you can still make a profit by keeping layer hens and combining other poultry products into your portfolio. 

2.To become a chicken farmer, you don’t need a lot of money.

To become a chicken farmer, you don’t need a lot of money.

This benefit is one of the most important factors to consider for many families who are considering beginning an agriculture business. All you need is the financial resources to get started growing chickens in the first place. According to research from the University of Wisconsin, if you sell at least 4,000 chickens, your net revenue per bird, excluding family labor and capital, is around $2.24. If you raise the number of birds to 10,000, your net income per bird will be $2.19.

In most cases, you may start a small-scale company for less than $5,000 if you can afford the initial purchase price, feed, and animal protection buildings. With a few birds, many families may start a poultry farm for less than $1,000. 

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3.Poultry farming can be quite profitable right away.

If you decide to pursue your poultry farming idea on a commercial basis, you will have a great chance of seeing a big return on your initial investment. Because some poultry birds, such as broiler chickens, mature in just a few months, you can produce numerous “crops” of birds for meat products over the course of a year using the same infrastructure you bought for the first batch. A first-time farmer can easily produce 3-5 batches of chickens, which can then be sold to family, friends, and neighbors if they are dedicated to the process.

poultry farming in nigeria

4.Poultry producers have less maintenance tasks to consider.

A chicken farm does not normally necessitate a high amount of care, especially if you intend to run it as a family business. When you follow the required hygiene and care recommendations when working with your birds, you may easily avoid disease and illness from spreading throughout your flock. This effort will also prevent the spread of germs from them to you.

poultry farming in nigeria

Even if you are concerned about your family’s health when considering becoming a chicken farmer, you can select birds that have a very low risk of illness development. In some markets, turkeys and quail can be just as profitable as chickens, particularly if you set up organic growing conditions that the government can certify.

poultry farming in nigeria

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