
Are You Struggling to Earn $1000 as a Blogger? – Do this to Make Money From Your Blog

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As a Blogger, are you struggling to earn $1000 from your blog? I will teach you How to Make Money From Your Blog.
An Open Letter to Bloggers Who Are Struggling to Make Their First N1 Million  Online
When most bloggers come to me for assistance, they usually come for two major things:
1. Website Design, and…
2. Traffic.
But then, there’s another set of bloggers that come to me for two major things as well. They are:
=> Content, and…
=> Backlinks.
But then I noticed something strange…
99% of the first set of bloggers that focus on website design and traffic are struggling with making their first $1,000 from blogging.
While the second set that focuses on content and backlinks has made more than $1,000 and is looking for how to scale up.
The shocking truth, however, is that this is no coincidence.
The majority of bloggers focused on their blog design and traffic are focused on the wrong things.
In all my years of blogging, I’ve never done a website design for once.
In fact, I’ve had people outrightly tell me that my site is ugly. Yet when compared with their professionally designed blog with all the bells and whistles, the income from my blog trumps all of them hands down!
What I do is simply install WordPress on my hosting account, and look for a free and decent theme to activate on my site, then my blog is set.
Next, I get very busy publishing high-value content that is designed to bring in cash…while building backlinks to those contents so they rank high in Google and attract visitors who are willing to spend money.
This is exactly how we win the blogging game…. by focusing on what matters, and not by focusing on professional bells and whistles that will bloat your CSS files and ruin your chances of getting traffic by ranking very low on Google.
But to be honest, there are certain secrets that must be applied when it comes to writing content that makes money.
Teaching you these secrets and how to implement them correctly is exactly what our blog training program is all about.
By This Time Next Month, Can I Start Making Money From Blogging?
The answer is a big and resounding Yes, and below are the steps to follow…
If you’ve asked me this question, or you’re planning to ask, the truth is that if you’re serious, you can start making money from blogging by this time next month.
When I’m talking of making money, I’m talking of making at least, from $1,500 and above.
So here’s how to go about it…
Step 1: Spend 1 to 2 days to Set up your blog in a profitable niche with a High Cost per click (CPC).
Step 2: Spend one week to do keyword research, and publish 10 to 20 blog posts.
Step 3: Apply for Google Adsense, and place them at strategic locations around your site.
Step 4: Start running adverts to get traffic to each of the 10 to 20 blog posts you’ve published. When people click on the ads while visiting your site, you get paid 68% of the cost per click.
That’s essentially a bird’s eye overview of what it takes to make money from blogging QUICK and Fast!
From all these steps, running adverts pose the greatest challenge to new bloggers.
For a start, you have to budget around $1,000 for an advert.
And for many people at his time, coming up with $1,000 is not BEANS!
If you know what you’re doing, it’s likely you won’t spend all of your budgets before you earn up to that amount and surpass it.
On the other hand, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you may end up blowing your advertising budget without making enough to keep running the ads.
Also keep in mind that whenever you stop running ads, your income suddenly stops as well, especially if your site is not yet ranking favorably on Google.
But what if you don’t have $1,000 to start running ads to your site?
There’s still hope. A big one at that.
All you just need to do is to keep publishing transactional blog posts on your site and continue building backlinks to those posts so you get to rank on Google for multiple keywords, which in turn will bring organic traffic to your site.
These are the major ways to get your blog to start cranking out cash.

READ ALSO:   REVEALED: Real Causes of Adsense Ad Limit | How To Remove Google Adsense Ad Limit
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