
Hidden Truth: How to Become Rich As A Blogger

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Hidden Truth: How to Become Rich As A Blogger
Dear Blogger,
I know how it feels. You see screenshots of legit income earnings from Fathers in the field of blogging and automatically think if you can make a similar income, you’ll be a rich man… or woman.
But sorry to tell you, You’re Getting It Wrong!
You see, whenever I have the opportunity to advise new bloggers I usually tell them one crucial fact, and I want to share it with you today.
The goal of blogging is not to make you rich. Instead, the goal of blogging is to Raise Capital!
Please read it again…
The goal of blogging is to Raise Capital.
That is… blogging is a means to an end and not the end in itself.
You see, the misconception many people have about blogging is caused by the inability to understand…or distinguish…between active income and passive income.
Active income is an income that is tied to some sort of labor. It is an income generated by regularly engaging in some form of work or activity. Once the work or activity ceases, before long, the income ceases to flow as well.
And blogging in most cases clearly falls under this category.
Passive income, on the other hand, is an income that’s free from active labor. Whether you work or not, the income continues to flow.
Your goal, therefore, is to make money as a blogger and then convert that income into passive income as efficiently as possible.
And the best way to do this is through other forms of investments.
In other words, your grand purpose of blogging should be to raise capital to invest, and not to make money for you to spend and enjoy life.
Don’t worry, if you make the right investments, combined, your cumulative investments will be making more than enough passive income for you to shop, chop and enjoy life.
And when your pool of passive income continues to make more than enough to cover your monthly cost of living without you working one bit, and leaving a lot of cash left for your sole pleasure, that’s when it can now be said that you’re rich.
At this point, you deserve all the congratulations and accolades you can get for using your blogging income wisely.
How to Print Money on Demand as a Blogger
I know it’s illegal, you may say…and you’ll be 100% Correct if you’re trying to print counterfeit notes on your own.
In the world of blogging, you can definitely “print” money on demand almost whenever you want.
“How”, you may ask…
The answer is… By writing more posts!
I remember many years ago when my blog was making a pitiable $200 per month.
One day, I got fed up with that level and decided to multiply my blogging income from $200 to $500.
What did I do?
I simply wrote more posts!
Within days of writing the posts, Google indexed it, and they started ranking well on Google in a matter of weeks (thanks to an already established domain authority).
With this, my blogging income shot up to $200 to $590.
And I did the same thing again when I wanted to increase my income from $500 to $2,000.
You see…. having an active blog that earns in dollars is one of the best things that can happen to anyone.
And the reason is that with a blog, you have several ways to increase your income and practically “print” money on demand.
=> When you increase the number of posts on your blog, you’re potentially printing money.
=> When you increase the traffic to your blog, you’re potentially printing money….
=> When you increase the Clickthrough rate of your blog, you’ve potentially printed money on demand.
And the good news is…
Once all of these are correctly done, they are permanent, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
If you don’t have a blog, do yourself a favor to set up one ASAP!
And if you have one already, sit up and focus on it squarely. Trust me, there are few income opportunities that offer the same level of advantage as blogging does.
So get your acts together. You’ll be better off for it!

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