
How Much Traffic Do You Need to Earn $2000 Monthly From Blogging?

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How Much Traffic Do You Need to Hit ($2000) N1 Million Monthly From Blogging?
So the other day, I was chatting with a new blogger friend.
And she asked an important question:
“How much traffic do I need to hit N1 Million Naira monthly from blogging?
Quickly, I ran the numbers….and calculated how much traffic it will take a brand new blog to break into the rank of 1 Million Naira monthly.
And guess what?
It all boils down to your blog monetization strategy.
Some strategies would require more traffic than others.
And in addition to that, it also depends on the niche.
There are some niches that when combined with a specific monetization strategy would require less traffic to earn.
So having cleared the air, below is a rough estimate of how much traffic you need to be yearning for if you want to hit N1 Million Naira monthly.
1. If your monetization strategy is based on displaying Google Adsense ads on your site, on average, you’ll need traffic that’s around 20,000 to 60,000 every month to hit N1 Million Naira ($2,000) and above with your blog.
This is assuming your blog is in a niche with a high Cost Per Click.
2. If you’re using Affiliate Marketing as your monetization strategy, you’ll need traffic that’s between 18,000 to 37,000 every month to hit N1 Million Naira Monthly from your blog.
Again, this is assuming your blog has a decent conversion rate and is also dependent on whether you’re an affiliate for digital products or physical products.
3. If you’re selling your own products (Physical Products) you’ll need around 15,000 to 25,000 monthly traffic to hit $2,000 monthly in sales (N1 Million Naira) every month from your blog.
4. If you’re selling your own products (Digital Products or Services) you’ll need around 7,000 to 15,000 monthly traffic to hit N1 million naira and above monthly.
So there you have it…
The amount of traffic you should start yearning for in order to start reaping maximum benefits from your blog.
Major Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog
Getting traffic to your site is the big elephant in the room.
While everyone can start up a blog, not everyone can get traffic.. or people to visit their blog.
However, there are different ways to get traffic to a blog… and the method that’s suitable for your blog is dependent on the monetization strategy you’re using.
If you’re selling your own product or service, strategies like Joint Venture collaboration and Running adverts are ideal for generating traffic.
If you’re using physical affiliate marketing to monetize your blog, using backlinks/SEO is ideal for generating traffic.
For digital affiliate marketing, however, email marketing, ads, and social media collaboration would be more ideal here.
For Adsense monetization and informational content, SEO, social media Viral traffic and a few Ads would be more ideal.
Of course, each traffic technique can be co-applied with one another. But mainly every monetization strategy has the type of traffic source that’s more suitable for it.

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