
Blog Traffic: Things That Will Get You Millions Of Visitors to Your Blog

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Do these 8 things if you want to get Millions Of Visitors to Your Blog

There’re lists of secrets behind some successful websites or blogs that are up to trend and if you must be like them, you must do or practice what they’re up to.

Let’s browse through them and see.

1. keep the body of your content into suspense to your readers

While you’re writing content depending on any niche you have, endeavor to create a room for suspense, the reason is,

it gladdens the heart of your readers, it makes the reader continue browsing even if the work is as bulky as ‘Things Fall Apart’ an undiluted novel written by late Chinua Achebe.

They wouldn’t stop until the very end of the content.

Your work is very interesting and I applause you because you have done a great job.

So the secret is to start now surfing and creating, the body of content that will glue your reader’s heart very well.

2. Have a catchy headline for your content

This is where the work of content starts, if you don’t have at first a captivating headline or topic you will not hit good traffic on your blog.

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People are moved first by what charms their eyes, maybe the body of the content is not nice as while reading it. But let it be that the headline first grips the visitor’s attention.

The secret is to learn and practice how to develop a great content headline or sign up with ubersuggest SEO tool for Neil Patel and I’m sure the room of content headline you will get it because it really helps and also semrush too.

Search for keywords and content ideas, browse through them carefully you will come up with something really great.

3. Always write as many as you can

If only you can muscle up to write words that count too much like 1000-1200 at the list for your content, you will not stay hungry again.

Is not easy but the way forward to make money is to inculcate fast what will make us rich on time.

And now we’ve read it, let’s start doing it as fast as possible.

4. Focus on one Niche

Write for a specialized niche that you know now!

Don’t go for anything that you’re not pro for or you can’t manage well.

Posting randomly in a blog for every niche doesn’t pay much like being steadfast or focused just on one thing, which can yield many increases for you.

If your work is to profile a solution for farmers, right?

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Be there at full scale giving it all that it takes.

Also if you’re a financial accountant, remain there and teach people how to finance well, providing quality content that could enhance them via their businesses, hosting seminars, conferences, or whichever way you want to do it provided you’re adding value to them based on your expertise.

5. Share the link of your Blog

In my training blog class, I often shared with my students and for each edition, try to create a forum on WhatsApp that you could carry a call forth attention like the headline of your content with a link of your blog and paste it, it creates more curiosity to read more while a person clicks on your blog via the link you have shared on your group.

And it’s working for them for those who gladly obey me.

All we’ve ever wanted is traffic and more views on our blog or website.

Share it with friends, tell them about your blog, and share it with other blog sites the ones you can reach out to for your link placement also do guest blogging.

6. share or promote on social media

I’ll strongly advise you, to have a social media icon button on your blog or website, because it enables you to share your work to other platforms not just on your blog only, it’s very important to do that.

7. share with videos and images

With images and videos, it makes your blog looks very heavy, and interesting because it keeps eyes watching, you can see someone on your blog just be there like for 10 minutes or more than, browsing your neat work.

And let me tell you something shocking, it’s also one of the reasons people view blogs.

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Some viewers only come to blogs to watch only images and also some come to watch only videos, so you must apply to both because it’s very paramount.

8. Make sure that your blog has icons for social media networks for better outreaches.

What could make one share your content, is after one finished reading and digesting and it seems like this rich content is not only meant for him or her alone.

I’d love to share it with my friends who need this also, I’m sure they will also gladly appreciate it.

Obviously, bloggers look down on People using the blogger platform for their blog or at times see them as non-serious bloggers because they are yet to buy a host, buy a domain or install some plugins.
Mind you, I use the blogger platform and I don’t intend to move to WordPress anytime soon.
Don’t be discouraged because your blog is on blogger, I’m not a millionaire yet but I’m making it on their platform.

All you need is a responsive template, a domain if possible, and a smartphone or laptop with your mobile data you are all set to go.

Blogging Requires consistency, endurance, and Time.

Don’t jump into blogging because you want to make money online, it doesn’t work that way. Join Blogging because you have a passion for it.

A Quick Way To Get 1000k Traffic Daily on your Blog

Perform Keyword research, and write 50 articles that can drive 20 page views daily.

Let’s do the calculation.

50 contents X 20 pageviews = 1000k daily.

It’s estimated that 1k traffic generates an average of 20 clicks, with RPM of approximately $15-17 on Adsense, $19-20 on Monumetric ads, $19-25 on Mediavine, and $20-30 on Adsthrive. Which will land you on approximately $18 daily on Adsense, $19-20 on Monumetric ads, $19-25 Mediavine, and $20-30 on Adthrive daily earnings “averagely”.

Although the clicks generated from 1000k traffic isn’t 100% assured. However, it’s approximately (based on personal experience) that 1000k traffic may generate 20 clicks daily (or more) depending on how well ads are placed, the nature of ads served, and also how related or engaging the ads are to the blog content.

Adding the earnings generated from the 20 clicks, plus the RPM, you should be making a quite reasonable amount of money daily from your ads revenue.

Be a smart and hardworking blogger.

Hope this motivates someone.

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