
10+ Most Profitable Blog Niches Where You Can Make $5000 Monthly

Most Lucrative Niches To Blog About

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I will be discussing the 10+ lucrative blog niches that you can start and be sure to make enough money every month if you are consistent.

These Niches can stand the test of time ie, they are evergreen blog niches. I have Blogs around many of them, some are more profitable than others, it’s ultimately what you can fit in and what your resources can handle.

What is a Blog Niche?

A Niche is a streamlined category that anyone can blog about, e.g Sports Betting Tips, Sports is under the Entertainment category, but because you can’t cover everything in the whole entertainment sector, you Niche Down to what you can cover, so when users land on your website they know instantly what you offer.
Niche blogs have a high returning user base because users find it easy to get exactly what they want and can be sure irrelevant things won’t disturb their surfing your website.

The Niches I will be talking about in this article are evergreen niches.

What this means is that the posts on the blog will remain relevant for life. Example: A Sports betting tips blog post will die off after the games are played. If you want sustainability, and ease, you want to focus on evergreen niches, so even if you stop posting, traffic will keep coming and coming for ages, the more the content the more the traffic (if you happen to rank on SERP- Search engine result pages).

Below is the list of the top 10 Most Profitable Blog Niches

Biography Niche

The biography of people is like history, early life, achievements, awards, highlights, stats, etc of celebrities and popular figures.

Celebrities have huge followers in their millions, and these followers from time to time search about them,

Some of the most searched are footballers, politicians, pastors, female celebrities, tech founders, etc.

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You can further niche down or try to cover every one of them.

This type of blog is highly sustainable traffic-wise, the CPC isn’t the best but you will easily rank if you cover a lot of celebrities.

You don’t know how many people are searching about these Facebook Celebrities, cover them and add keywords to the titles so that people will likely add their search terms e.g Davido Biography, Events & Early Life.

Biography has taken another turn, instead of writing about the company, you can also write about companies, churches, organizations, etc, you don’t know how many people want to know basic things about growing organizations e.g “What is Waploaded, Who owns it, How to use it”.

Summary about Biography Blog Niche.

Niche: Biography
Traffic Source: Google Search
Adsense Compatible: Yes
Adsense CPC: Low (Because of poor Keywords)

Can Paid traffic work?: YES, there are tactics to do this and get high CPC to earn huge e.g “Tonto Dikeh Scholarship Program, Biography, Early life”

The “Scholarship Program” in the post will make it output high-paying ads] there are more tips about making this kind of blog highly successful.

Prayers (Religious Blog)

There are millions of people that are very religious, and millions of people are loyal to their various general overseers.

These people can literally click and visit anything to get prayer.

You can also spice up your blog by adding Dreams & Meanings, Inspiration, and Motivations from men of God, Pastor’s biographies, and many others.

This Niche is evergreen, and will also do well for Paid Advertising.

Imagine a creative with Pastor Oyedepo laying his hands, and a primary text talking about a list of prayers against Ember month accidents– Millions of people are ready to click.

Or a Facebook chatbot ad where people tap send messages to receive prayers in their Facebook inbox.

This Niche is highly evergreen, and if you brand out, you may become an authority.

I know of someone who owns a 600k Tiktok page of just one pastor, Pastor Selman.

Now imagine what your blog will be when you cover all pastors worldwide.

Summary about Prayers Blog Niche.

Niche: Prayers/Religion
Traffic Source: Google Search/Social Fanpages/Paid Ads
Adsense Compatible: Yes
Adsense CPC: Low (Because of poor Keywords)

There are ways to boost your CPC, you can always figure that out, else take the Traffic generation course on Waptutors to give you access to our Whatsapp groups to ask questions.

Sugar Mummy & Sugar Daddy Niche

This was one of the hottest Niches far back in 2016, it even worked for Facebook advertising back then till Facebook banned it, the mention of sugar mummy can get your ad account blocked now.

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We made a lot of money here, up till now there are millions of people with access to the internet in search of Sugar mummies, Sugar Daddies.

You really have to do a little research and cover various countries, know how they search for these things, and post accordingly.

My Major focus while I did this from 2017-2019 was South Africa and other African countries like Nigeria, Kenya, etc, Your focus is talking about sugar mummies in tier 1 & tier 2 countries.

For my SA blog, some posts were like “Mzansi Sugar Mummy Looking to pay $100 per week”

Others are posts talking about foreign sugar mummies looking for African men.

Note: This is 100% Legal as all photos carry a disclaimer, are real names of real profiles searching for men on various dating websites, it’s like helping them reach more people just that they go through your website.

I and others stopped this niche because of Adsense page enforcement and the rise of SARS in Nigeria back then.

To be sustainable with Adsense, Have a disclaimer, use a real matching profile, do not use seductive photos or naked photos, and write in truth not to exaggerate things.

This Kind of blog has high returning visitors, and they are quick to join your various social profiles just to keep getting updates.

Summary about the Sugar Mummy & Daddy Blog Niche.

Niche: Sugar Mummy & Daddy
Traffic Source: Google Search/Telegram/Twitter
Adsense Compatible: Yes (but follow guidelines)
Adsense CPC: Average (A lot of dating apps are spending money on ads, if you target and get visitors from SA you will make more money.)

Questions Blog / Wiki

This is highly profitable but requires a high number of posts, optimization to rank, and manpower.

If you have a very good domain, an expired domain that can easily rank, you may not bother about original posts, you can scape their posts using some WordPress plugins and do more to outrank the competitors by further building reputable backlinks.

Note: It’s easy for Google update to affect you here, and paid traffic isn’t effective in this Niche so play safe.

You can niche it down to your Country by asking questions and answering them e.g Who is Buhari?, How many Children does Buhari have?, How much is Buhari’s Salary, Who is Buhari’s tailor

The above are just examples, short questions where you answer them in the body, 300-500+ words in each would do well, and proper internal linking within the various posts.

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You can further niche down to Tech >> Mobile gadgets >> iPhone and your blog will be about asking and answering questions about iPhone e.g Should I swap my iPhone 13 for iPhone 14? iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14, How much is iPhone 14 in Nigeria? How much is iPhone 14 in the UK, How long should I use an iPhone?

These are some of the ideas, Your traffic source could be paid but mainly targeted at building a community that you can later retarget.

Summary about the Questions WIKI Niche.

Niche: WIKI
Traffic Source: Google Search
Adsense Compatible: Yes
Adsense CPC: Average

You can also earn so much money with this blog via Sponsored posts, Music Blogs, Phone brands, Betting companies, Casino, etc would pay high to drop their posts because they know they will rank on google through it.

This Kind of Blog will soon take over, people have a short attention span, they want blogs that answer their questions almost immediately, and if your content is helpful you will make more money and over time rank better.

Make Money Online Blog Niche

A lot of authorities in this niche but you can branch out a little, categorize your blog well and fire on good articles using the strategies I will share.

Many people want to make money from various apps, they are constantly asking questions and seeking to know how to make money / make a living from various apps they spend time on, so some of your posts may be e.g How to make money on Facebook, How to make money with Facebook groups, How to Make Money on Tiktok, How to make money with Whatsapp

There are hacks in these apps to make money with them and cover them.

You can also extend to other money-making apps.

Before the Ban of Loan apps, there were hundreds of thousands of searches about loan apps, writing about them would send massive traffic to you, e.g Take Loan and Make money on LCredit, Take Loan from XXLoan and Make money.

You can also Branch into more pressing people who really want to make money and cover them, How to Make Money on ASSU Strike, 10 Side Hustles for Undergraduates, Side hustles for Single Moms, Side Hustle for Single Ladies, Side Hustles for handicap man, SideHustle for New undergraduates, Make money with an Android phone.

A lot of these topics will do well on Paid ads too, you have to find a way to tweak your creative because the mention of “Money”, and “Investment” raises FB Flags.

Summary about the Make Money Online Niche.

Niche: Make Money Online
Traffic Source: Google Search, Paid Ads, Other Adnetworks, Social Channels
Adsense Compatible: Yes
Adsense CPC: High (Do proper KW research)

There are various tweaks to apply, if you are just getting started with Blogging, the Waptutors Academy houses a lot of courses covering various aspects of blogging and some of the courses come with Whatsapp groups where you can ask questions to me and other experts.

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