
Why Your Facebook Account is Always Restricted From Running Ads

How To Prevent Your Facebook Account from Advertising Restrictions

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It’s now very rampant that Facebook Ad accounts get restricted easily. Here are some of the reasons for an Ad account to be restricted, no point stressing yourself reading policy pages, here are the very frequent reasons.

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Failure to Activate 2FA in your Facebook account:

A lot of hackers and scammers get into the accounts of advertisers and run dubious adverts, hence, Facebook now mandates every account running ads to have a 2FA set. Setting 2FA also allows the review process to go smoothly as most of the reasons picked up by the algorithm are usually because of unusual activities.

Having lots of ads recently disapproved of several campaigns/Multiple rejected ads.

Some of the Audiences that reached your ads are providing negative feedback to your ads, reporting thread content as spam, hiding single/all posts from your Page, or unlike your page. So make sure your ad gets good feedback like “Shares” you can do this by telling them to spread the opportunities across.

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Promoting a website with a forwarded URL or URL is not compliant with the policy.

Do not use a link shortener as an Ad URL if the system picks it up, it’s an instant restriction.
Trying to get likes to make money online, work from home, email collection, list building, investment, or finance-related page. Some ads have labels, Keywords like “Money”, “Crypto”, “Investment” and “Jobs” usually trigger the system, you can overturn this by adding “Guides or Tips” after the Keyword.

Making ads for an affiliate marketing program or third-party advertising opportunity.

When the account is linked to a Business Manager that is disabled for Facebook Policy violations.
Multiple owned account has been restricted. Facebook tracks your laptop IP and address, if you have had one or two accounts permanently disabled/restricted make sure you use a VPN or a different Laptop for newer ad accounts.

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The system detected that the account/information is not authentic.

This usually occurs if you start running ads and immediately start editing your Facebook account name or sensitive details.
Any suspicious activity on the account like trying to add multiple failed payment cards etc.

Creating new accounts after existing accounts has violations of policies

Account has been flagged on several occasions after repeated violations

Multiple Ad Account disabled within Business Manager

Negative feedback from the customers on your ads or products on Facebook

Shop/Catalog/Marketplace/Instagram Shopping

Mentioning names of people in your ads

Using Provocative Emojis in your Ads (Peach or Cucumber)

Violating Community Standards

Using Creatives that try to circumvent their algorithm in other to get lower CPC or Higher Link clicks

Engagement ads particularly Chatbots get escalated if you send broadcasts on them.

Have you ever been restricted on Facebook?
What other reasons would cause Account restriction?
Do you know about Page Restriction?
What’s your CPC from Facebook normally? Please comment below.

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