
Adsense Secrets to Making $5000 From Blogging Within 7 Days or Less!

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Adsense Secrets to Making $5,000 From Blogging Within 7 Days or Less!
So you want to know the fastest way to make money online through blogging, right?
Alright, as part of my New Year Gift, I’m gonna open the secret box and reveal the hidden strategy that powers this and makes it possible.
So fix your seat belt as we dive right into it.
To make money from blogging within 7 days or less, you need a Huuuuuuuuge amount of traffic.
And if you’re unfortunately not using a powerful expired domain name, or some form of viral social media engineering, the next option for you is to deep your hands into your wallet, and run ads!
But, herein lies the problem…
To run ads to US, UK, and Canada audience, most advertising networks will charge you around $0.20 dollars to $0.50 dollars per click.
All things being equal, to make this work, you need to have a Cost-per-click (CPC) that’s greater than $0.50 if not, you’ll run into deep losses.
A better CPC would be $1 and above.
But in the real world, there are many niches whose CPC is below $1.
So what do you do in this case?
You split up your blog pages!
That is, you make a post that’s over 1,000 words and break it up into 5 or more pages.
And after doing that, you use the “Next and Previous” button to move your visitors from one page to another.
The more your visitors move from one page to another, the higher your ad impression gets and the more likely people would click on one of those ads on your blog, thereby making you money.
But here’s the sweet part…
You don’t have to just stop at running ads. You also have to incorporate some viral engineering to it.
That is, you have to look for a way to encourage or even convince people to share your blog posts on social media, thereby giving it some viral effect!
The more people share your posts, the greater the visitors your site gets, and the more likely you’ll make more money from it.
If you wish to change the narrative this new year, and you want to start making real money online, then the Next and Previous buttons are two critical components that SHOULD NEVER be missing on your blog.

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